MILFORD, CT — Work is progressing on the plans to install a new elevator at the public library, but officials don’t yet have a date when the project will be completed.
The elevator has been out of service since September 21, 2022 Library Director Chris Angeli told Patch. Public Works has been trying to get parts to repair the current elevator, but supply chain issues have made it difficult.
“We definitely understand the struggle our patrons are having accessing our building,” Angeli said. “The lower level parking lot entrance is our main entrance, and all adult services are located on the upper level.”
Library staff are able to bring material to the downstairs level and assist with the use of upper floor copy machines. Adults can also use public computers in the lower level children’s department.
Milford will use money from its community block grant to install a new elevator, Mayor Ben Blake told Patch. Plans to install a new elevator started earlier in 2022. The city hired an architect once funds were made available Oct. 1.
“This is an elevator designed to fit into the existing shaft, which is pretty complicated,” Blake said, adding that the project is a priority for the city.
One of the qualifying uses for block grants is to expand accessibility for disabled populations, Blake said.
In the meantime, patrons can enter through the upper level New Haven Avenue entrance, but they would need to be dropped off or walk if able to as there is no vehicle parking, Angeli said. Patrons can contact library staff via email or phone ahead of time for help, or ask for help when they arrive.
Editor's note: The article has been updated to reflect that the elevator has been out of service since September 21, 2022, not September 2021.
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